OCTOBER 24, 2019
Theme: Praise works wonders!
Text: Psalm 67:5-7
Subtopic: How to Offer Acceptable worship.
Text: Romans 12:1
Worship is an offering to God. While Praise celebrates God for his wonders, worship mainly celebrates who he is (his person). God’s primary nature is Holiness! One of the greatest names you can call God is Holy! Because that is who he is! (Isaiah 6:1-3, Rev 4:8) God seeks true worshippers (John 4:21-24) The reason why we worship God before a service is not to fill up time, or for us to feel good, it is to invite God’s presence and to purify ourselves before him
(2) Worship is one of the ways we lay down our crown before the King of Kings in acknowledgment of his supremacy
(3) Worship is paying obeisance (deferential respect) to our creator and owner. (Ps 100:3, Is 54:5)
How to offer acceptable worship
(1) Maintain a pure heart (Rom 12:1, Ps 96:8-9)
(2) Reflect deeply on God’s kindness (Ps 8:3-6)
(3) Come under the cover of the blood (2 Cor 7:1, 1 John 3:2-3)
(4) Come boldly (Heb 4:16)
(5) Worship him in delight (Ps 37:4)